Not only are we podiatrists, but parents too! As parents we are always looking for fun ways to keep our kids entertained, but also improve their cognitive development. A great way to work on this is with matching and sorting games. Kids on the move has created this super simple activity for you to try at home.
How can kids games help with cognitive development?
Matching and sorting games can help:
- Improve concentration.
- Increase attention to detail.
- Improve the ability to find similarities and differences in objects.
- Help to classify objects that are grouped by similar traits.

All you need for this perfect pairs sock matching game is mulitple pairs of socks and an area to play! Make sure you separate the pairs of socks and mix them all up in a pile. There are a few different ways your kids can sort the socks:
- Matching pairs
- Colour groups
- Short or long
This is a great way to grow your child’s cognitive development and get the laundry sorted.