Oxfam 2018 My FootDr Podiatry Foot Care

Oxfam Brisbane TrailwalkersAs 500 participants descend on D’Aguilar National Park on June 22-24, to take on the arduous Oxfam Trailwalker charity event, they’ll need all the emotional and physical support they can get. Thankfully our podiatrists are there to help! Read more

Hiking Foot Pain

When you hike, your feet and legs absorb the impact of every step, making good foot care essential to achieve your best performance. Your risk of sustaining a hiking injury can be increased by having (unsupported) flat feet, high arches, stiffness or reduced movement at your ankle, slight differences in the length of your legs (it’s more common than you may think!) and your footwear – especially if it has worn out over a few years of hiking.
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