The Foot and Ankle Clinic East Bentleigh

The friendly Foot and Ankle Clinic team, partnered with My FootDr, at East Bentleigh continue to provide unrivalled foot-care and service their local community as well as the neighbouring suburbs of Bentleigh (3KM), Oakleigh South (2KM), Clarinda (4KM) and Moorabbin (3KM). Call us today! Read more

The Foot and Ankle Clinic Chadstone

The friendly Foot and Ankle Clinic podiatry team at Chadstone, partnered with My FootDr, continue to service its local community with high quality foot care, as well as the neighbouring suburbs of Hughesdale (2KM), Carnegie (3KM), Chadstone (2KM) and Ashburton (3KM). Call us today! Read more

Kids playing at home

We’re podiatrists – and we’re parents too! Social distancing or not, making sure our kids get enough physical activity is a priority for us because we know the impact it has not just on their strength, coordination, flexibility and posture, but on their confidence too. With many social distancing protocols still in place across Australia, we’re sharing the ways that we are keeping our kids active when they’re at home.

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Running Outside vs. Treadmill Running

Running Outside vs. Treadmill RunningThe gym is closed and now that you can’t hit the treadmill, you’re planning on hitting the road. Running outside certainly has some great advantages – fresh air, time to yourself and a change in terrain. For those of you who do the majority of your runs on a treadmill, however, starting to run outside may feel a little daunting to start with. Here are some tips and things to stay mindful of when preparing for more outdoor running. 

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young woman in the street feeling pain in her ankle

young woman in the street feeling pain in her ankleFoot pain can be excruciating. When it affects your performance at work, it can be even worse. Our jobs can take a large toll on our bodies, which isn’t surprising given how active many of us are throughout our workday. An Australian study looking at steps taken per day over different occupations found that on average [1]:

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Couple walking with dog

Healthy walking Australians spend a lot of time on their feet. On average, you walk over 2.7 million steps every year, equating to 7400 steps per day. That number will be even greater for those rising up to the 10,000 steps per day challenge! You can bet that all these steps add up and take their toll – not just on your body, but on your shoes and orthotics, too.  

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Runners Foot Pain

When ankle sprains are not effectively managed, long-standing ankle instability may develop.

When the ligaments of the ankle are repetitively injured or stressed without being adequately rehabilitated, chronic (or persistent) ankle instability may result. In fact, some studies have suggested that up to 74% of people who have experienced an ankle sprain will have persistent impairments (such as reduced balance, giving way, perceived instability) for 7 years after the initial injury. These impairments can significantly affect a person’s ability to perform their usual activities of daily living with many not being able to return to their previous physical activities.

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Chronic Ankle Instability

young woman in the street feeling pain in her ankleSprained your ankle? We can help.

Ankle sprains can affect anyone at any age. When you sprain your ankle, you injure the ligaments that connect the bones at the ankle joint. These ligaments are responsible for helping stabilise and support the ankle.

Inversion sprains, where the foot is twisted inwards and you roll outwards onto your ankle, account for approximately 85% of ankle sprains. Inversion injuries usually only affect the ligaments on the outside of the ankle, which are the:

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Research shows that telehealth is an effective option for people with a range of conditions. Your clinician can see and hear you, and in most cases, can perform an accurate assessment and develop a treatment plan with you.

Your security, privacy and record-keeping
  • Microsoft Office365 is one of the most secure platforms and uses end-to-end encryption that is currently available.
  • Telehealth requires us to follow the same code of conduct and professional guidelines as with any face to face consultations
  • Sessions are not recorded. Our clinical notes are taken as they normally would, and you can rest assured that this is the only thing that’s being recorded during your session with your physiotherapist.